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Brian Abel on Churchwardens and other Notables of St John’s Church Hatherleigh

Brian Abell Brian Abell on past church wardens and other notables of St John's Church Hatherleigh [Jane Fawcett] (0:01 - 0:31) Hello, I'm Jane Fawcett and I'm interviewing Brian Abell in The Old School's Hatherleigh. This…

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Alan Cranleigh on the Royal British Legion and its connection to St Johns Church

Alan Cranleigh Oral History Interview: Alan Cranleigh on the Royal British Legion and its connection to St John's Church Hatherleigh. [Isabella Whitworth] (0:00 - 0:18)I'm Isabella Whitworth, this is the 19th of April and I'm…

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Jean Wemyss-Gorman
Jean Wemyss-Gorman on life at the Vicarage and connections to Hatherleigh

Jean Wemyss-Gorman Life at the Vicarage and connections to Hatherleigh

Jean Wemyss-Gorman Jean Wemyss-Gorman on life at the Vicarage and connections to Hatherleigh  [Isabella Whitworth] (0:00 - 0:10)I'm talking to Jean Weems-Gorman and we're talking by a video link because I'm in Hatherleigh and Jean…

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Martin Hartnett Interview on Prominent Monuments in the Churchyard at St Johns Church Hatherleigh

Martin Hartnett Oral History Interview: Martin Hartnett Interview on Prominent Monuments in the Churchyard at St Johns Church Hatherleigh [Marian Southwick] (0:01 - 0:29)Today is the 26th of March, 2024. I'm Marian Southwick interviewing Martin…

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Martin Hartnett Interview on History of Hatherleigh Churchyard and its Residents

Martin Hartnett Oral History Interview: Martin Hartnett interview on the history of Hatherleigh churchyard and its residents [Marian Southwick] (0:00 - 0:32) Today is the 18th of March 2024. I am Marianne Southwick interviewing Martin…

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